Self Referral

English Hubs: facilitating excellent teaching of reading and early language in Reception and Key Stage 1. 

We are delighted that you are interested in the support in early language and reading teaching that we are offering as an English Hub school. Our aim in 2024/25 is to provide high quality insight and advice to enable you to develop your own excellent practice in teaching reading through systematic synthetic phonics and early language, and encouraging a love of reading among your pupils.


The support that we can offer includes:

  • Attending a showcase of best practice in the teaching of early language and reading through systematic synthetic phonics.
  • Developing your own action plan for improving teaching of early language and reading.
  • Up to £6,000 financial support to buy phonics resources and training that you have identified in your action plan.
  • A detailed in-school audit of your teaching provision, for those schools that would most benefit. 

Please complete a self referral form providing as much information as possible. We will use this to prioritise among schools where there are more applications than we can accommodate.